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Merry + Bright


16.9 oz Glass Bottle
organic orange, organic pineapple, organic beet, organic carrot, organic ginger, organic turmeric
Best by date will always be at least 5 days from day of delivery.

Enjoy Me When...

  • 🙌

    You know you need the benefits, but aren't usually a big fan of beets. (this one goes easy on the earthy flavor!)

  • 💪

    You're looking for an energy boost before the gym.

  • ⚡️

    You want something delicious that nourishes you inside and out.

Revered for its sweet and tangy flavor, Merry & Bright tastes similar to a fruit punch (sans artificial sugars!) and many report feeling just like this juice's name. ✨

With over 300% of your recommended daily vitamin C intake, the Merry & Bright is a fantastic immunity boost and protects the body from free radicals, encourages collagen production and metabolism function and enhances the wellbeing of our heart and nervous systems!

This sweet beet juice is also a digestive aid from the pineapple and beets. Pineapple helps our body create bromelain, a combination of enzymes that help our digestive tract break down protein and produce probiotic lactic acid for a happy, healthy gut! Beets are good for your blood, brain, and belly by lowering blood pressure, increasing oxygen intake in the blood, and helping feed your gut with healthy bacteria. 

Topped off with both ginger and turmeric, the Merry & Bright is filled to the brim with antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties! 

Nutrition Facts per 16.9 oz Bottle

Calories 257 | Fat 1g | Protein 6g | Carbs 53g | Vitamin D 0% | Calcium 16% | Iron 24% | Potassium 28% | Vitamin A 67% | Vitamin C 250% | Folate 37% | Niacin 18% | Riboflavin 19% | Thiamin 29% | Vitamin B6 47% | Copper 57% | Magnesium 16% | Phosphorous 16%

Merry + Bright [Pre-Order] - Vive Juicery
Vive Juicery

Merry + Bright


16.9 oz. Glass Bottle

organic orange, pineapple, beet, organic carrot, organic ginger, organic turmeric

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