Enjoy Me When...
You're done with artificial ingredients and are looking for a natural version of Emergen-C.
You're in need of a gentle energy boost and deep focus. Students, new parents, and busy entrepreneurs... this is for you!
You'd like to support your body in recovering from sickness or want something preventative!
Nutrition Facts per 16.9 oz Bottle
Calories 262 | Fat 1g | Protein 6g | Carbs 52g | Vitamin D 0% | Calcium 22% | Iron 19% | Potassium 39% | Vitamin A 309% | Vitamin C 162% | Choline 11% | Folate 26% | Niacin 26% | Riboflavin 25% | Thiamin 29% | Vitamin B6 54% | Vitamin E 19% | Vitamin K 39% | Copper 37% | Magnesium 15% | Phosphorous 24%